JLex Helpful Setup


Before we begin, ensure that you have met the System Requirements in order for JLex Helpful to operate correctly. You may find the most basic requirements for JLex Helpful below:


Every information related to PHP & MySQL is presented on Joomla’s page, click here to see details

PHP Requirements

JLex Helpful runs on PHP and it requires PHP to exist on the site.

  • 5.3+ and above.
  • GD Library. In order to manipulate images that are uploaded on the site.
  • CURL Library. In order for JLex Helpful to perform outgoing connections.

PHP Settings

Minimum version: 5.3.x

MySQL Requirements

JLex Helpful requires a minimum version of MySQL 5+

Checking System Requirements

You may review these requirements from the management system: System → System Information → PHP Settings

You can also create a very simple PHP script and include the codes below in your php file.

// This is a very simple method to load up php's settings.

Download & Installing

In order to download the setup files, you will need to access your account dashboard. > Get latest version.

In backend, access to Extension Manager > Install tab > Select file and install.

Setup - Installing

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