JLex Helpful Advanced

Multiple languages

In order turn on multiple language, you must set Multiple language in Section config is Yes.

Also, all heading, label, message must encode to ASCII without space, contain only A-Z, 0-9 and (_) mark.


  • Yes >> JH_YES
  • How helpful did you find this answer >> JH_HOW_HELPFUL_DID_YOU_FIND_THIS_ANSWER

Once section saved, you will see Edit button in Section manager.. Click link to begin translate.

Select language and begin translate:

Themes manager

In order create new theme, we recommend you should copy folder components/com_jlexhelpful/theme/ and rename it. Then editing html.php file

Important: Please keep class attribute of element.

There is some popular element's class:

  • ._tp_bar_h : The width of element will change the style.width property from 0% to 100% (<span style="width:60%"></span>)
  • ._tp_bar_v : The height of element will change the style.width property from 0% to 100% (<span style="height:60%"></span>)
  • ._tp_count : Count selected for each item.

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