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Updates: Release JLex Lookup v1.4.1 🥳

Jlex Attachments

IIS Spagna-Campani
Hi, is it possible to sort attachment listing inside article?
Many thanks.


48 replies

...another very important missing feature is to have the possibility to substitute the attached file without delete and reinsert whole attachment item, so preserving description and renaming.
...sorry for the delay but I'm GMT+1 ;)
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-08-03 07:02:18
Just done. The site is under development.  You can test article "Notizia quattro".  The article must have category "Notizie". Then select tab "Notizie" ans insert something into custom field "Descrizione notizia" With this category, displaying article content has formatting removed so you can see text part of attachment div displayed unformatted inside article content that is treathed as subtitle. IMPORTANT: attachments must not be rendered into article content if they are present inside any custom field, obviously, unless I put also there the shortcode Regards Danilo
There's a problem using the content field on your page. The file data has been stripped before it shows up on your page (maybe it comes from the template). I have edited the file so it can work fine on your site.

Edited file: plugins/content/attachments/attachments.php

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-08-03 07:02:18
Just done. The site is under development.  You can test article "Notizia quattro".  The article must have category "Notizie". Then select tab "Notizie" ans insert something into custom field "Descrizione notizia" With this category, displaying article content has formatting removed so you can see text part of attachment div displayed unformatted inside article content that is treathed as subtitle. IMPORTANT: attachments must not be rendered into article content if they are present inside any custom field, obviously, unless I put also there the shortcode Regards Danilo
Ok, perfetc!
What about my others questions? I'going to resume:
1) possibility to replace the attached file without delete and reinsert whole attachment item, so preserving description and renaming
2) posibility to open attachment in new tab/window of browser
@JLexArt is wrote at 2023-08-03 07:34:30
There's a problem using the content field on your page. The file data has been stripped before it shows up on your page (maybe it comes from the template). I have edited the file so it can work fine on your site. Edited file: [b]plugins/content/attachments/attachments.php[/b] Best regards, Victor Nguyen.
I noticed that deleting article do not delete attachments from attachment's folder.
I noticed also that there is a limit to the max number of characters of attachment file name that doesn't allow to upload files (no message is displayed!). Is it possible to remove this annoying limitation?
I further noticed that sort order on article editing is not the same that is configured into the plugin. It should be the same (can be ok even after saving article ;)).

Solved myself attachment name limitation: increased length of fields name and fileName from 60 to 260 (or more if needed) of _jlexatm_files mysql table. Best if this could be inserted into next release too.
I'm not adding it because these attachments support insertion in multiple articles.

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-08-03 15:18:46
Hi, I noticed that deleting article do not delete attachments from attachment's folder. Regards Danilo
Hmm... These are the required features and I need the roadmap to add it ;).

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-08-03 08:04:39
Ok, perfetc! What about my others questions? I'going to resume: 1) possibility to replace the attached file without delete and reinsert whole attachment item, so preserving description and renaming 2) posibility to open attachment in new tab/window of browser Regards Danilo
Remember my question number 3) Enable attachments in article editing in the frontend ;)

Just another thing: now, after your correction inside my site, if I don't insert {attachment:all} in any place into the article then the attachmnet is displayed in top of article, so if I need an attachment at the end of stadndard Article content then I must insert the plugin shortcode.

Remember to insert that correction into next release ;)
@JLexArt is wrote at 2023-08-04 01:27:46
Hmm... These are the required features and I need the roadmap to add it ;). Best regards, Victor Nguyen.
Exactly! This is an exception when you don't use the main content of the article. You should use the {attachment:all} syntax when you use this plugin.

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-08-04 19:24:13
Remember my question number 3) Enable attachments in article editing in the frontend ;) Just another thing: now, after your correction inside my site, if I don't insert {attachment:all} in any place into the article then the attachmnet is displayed in top of article, so if I need an attachment at the end of stadndard Article content then I must insert the plugin shortcode. Regards Danilo P.S. Remember to insert that correction into next release ;)
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