Hi there
i just bought Jlex Review Hoping to integrate it with my component (JomDirectory) but during and after installations i am facing the following problems and i need your immediate assistance
1) when installing I got the following ERROR
• 1091 Can't DROP 'review'; check that column/key exists SQL=ALTER IGNORE TABLE `w_jlexreview` DROP COLUMN `review`
2) when I go to review Menu from the back end I get the following error
• 1054 Unknown column 'r.rate' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS r.id,r.title,r.object_id,r.review_rate,r.created,r.modified,r.created_by,r.author_email,r.ip,r.published,r.url ,IF(r.created_by,u.name,r.author_name) author,u.username,p.link_struct,cm.count_cm,rh.count_help,rh.match_help FROM w_jlexreview r LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=r.created_by LEFT JOIN (SELECT review_id,COUNT(*) count_cm FROM w_jlexreview_cm GROUP BY review_id) cm ON cm.review_id=r.id LEFT JOIN w_jlexreview_parse p ON p.object=r.object AND p.object_key=r.object_key LEFT JOIN (SELECT type_id,COUNT(*) count_help,SUM(rate_match) match_help FROM w_jlexreview_helpful WHERE type_ob=1 GROUP BY type_id) rh ON rh.type_id=r.id WHERE r.rate=0 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
3) when I go to the Vote Menu from the back end I get the following Error
• 1054 Unknown column 'r.rate' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS r.id,r.object,r.object_id,r.review_rate,r.created,r.published,r.created_by,r.author_email,r.ip,r.url ,IF(r.created_by,u.name,r.author_name) author,u.username,p.link_struct FROM w_jlexreview r LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=r.created_by LEFT JOIN w_jlexreview_parse p ON p.object=r.object AND p.object_key=r.object_key WHERE r.rate=1 ORDER BY r.created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
4) The following I get from the Black List Menu
• 1146 Table 'A951508_sheger.w_jlexreview_blacklist' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS b.*,u.name FROM w_jlexreview_blacklist b LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=b.userid ORDER BY b.created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
5) and the following from Report
• 146 Table 'A951508_sheger.w_jlexreview_report' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS re.*,u.name reporter FROM (SELECT re.*,r.title,'-' content FROM w_jlexreview_report re INNER JOIN w_jlexreview r ON r.id=re.type_id WHERE re.type_ob=1 UNION ALL SELECT re.*,'-' title,cm.comment content FROM w_jlexreview_report re INNER JOIN w_jlexreview_cm cm ON cm.id=re.type_id WHERE re.type_ob=0 ) AS re LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=re.created_by ORDER BY re.created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
i need your help
Mathias T
i just bought Jlex Review Hoping to integrate it with my component (JomDirectory) but during and after installations i am facing the following problems and i need your immediate assistance
1) when installing I got the following ERROR
• 1091 Can't DROP 'review'; check that column/key exists SQL=ALTER IGNORE TABLE `w_jlexreview` DROP COLUMN `review`
2) when I go to review Menu from the back end I get the following error
• 1054 Unknown column 'r.rate' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS r.id,r.title,r.object_id,r.review_rate,r.created,r.modified,r.created_by,r.author_email,r.ip,r.published,r.url ,IF(r.created_by,u.name,r.author_name) author,u.username,p.link_struct,cm.count_cm,rh.count_help,rh.match_help FROM w_jlexreview r LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=r.created_by LEFT JOIN (SELECT review_id,COUNT(*) count_cm FROM w_jlexreview_cm GROUP BY review_id) cm ON cm.review_id=r.id LEFT JOIN w_jlexreview_parse p ON p.object=r.object AND p.object_key=r.object_key LEFT JOIN (SELECT type_id,COUNT(*) count_help,SUM(rate_match) match_help FROM w_jlexreview_helpful WHERE type_ob=1 GROUP BY type_id) rh ON rh.type_id=r.id WHERE r.rate=0 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
3) when I go to the Vote Menu from the back end I get the following Error
• 1054 Unknown column 'r.rate' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS r.id,r.object,r.object_id,r.review_rate,r.created,r.published,r.created_by,r.author_email,r.ip,r.url ,IF(r.created_by,u.name,r.author_name) author,u.username,p.link_struct FROM w_jlexreview r LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=r.created_by LEFT JOIN w_jlexreview_parse p ON p.object=r.object AND p.object_key=r.object_key WHERE r.rate=1 ORDER BY r.created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
4) The following I get from the Black List Menu
• 1146 Table 'A951508_sheger.w_jlexreview_blacklist' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS b.*,u.name FROM w_jlexreview_blacklist b LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=b.userid ORDER BY b.created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
5) and the following from Report
• 146 Table 'A951508_sheger.w_jlexreview_report' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS re.*,u.name reporter FROM (SELECT re.*,r.title,'-' content FROM w_jlexreview_report re INNER JOIN w_jlexreview r ON r.id=re.type_id WHERE re.type_ob=1 UNION ALL SELECT re.*,'-' title,cm.comment content FROM w_jlexreview_report re INNER JOIN w_jlexreview_cm cm ON cm.id=re.type_id WHERE re.type_ob=0 ) AS re LEFT JOIN w_users u ON u.id=re.created_by ORDER BY re.created DESC LIMIT 0, 20
i need your help
Mathias T