
As I'm sure your aware MintJoomla have now added a comments adapter for JLex Review.

I've spoken with a couple of other Cobalt users and feedback on your extension has been positive.

There are a few issues though ...
a) When a review is submitted, the page updates, but then only 1 star reviews are shown - thus if a user rates 2 or above there is no indication to the user that the review submit is successful (upon page reload, the review has been submitted).
b) The filter links are not working e.g. "5 star", "4 star" etc. on the table of ratings and number of ratings.
c) The "Order by" and "Filter" are not working perfectly and give odd or no results especially if a if a filter action has been performed before.
d) At present there is no integration into records display list sorting - i.e. users cannot search and sort a records list by the JLex rating.
e) The Jlex rating, when submitted, is not added to the 'notifications' system in Cobalt (Cobalt developer says that 'callbacks' are needed for this).

I can imagine that there may be quite a few people who use Cobalt who will be interested in Purchasing Pro JLex Review if the above issues are addressed - I'm one of them. :-)))

Please note that I am not suggesting that you can just fix these things and that the issues are probably not associated with your extension primarily as it works very well 'not integrated'. a) b) and c) are probably due to the integration, and d) and e) are more advanced issues ... maybe you could speak to the good people at MintJoomla please? :-)


Warm regards,
