I have purchased Jlex review and installed it. Not knowing very much about Joomla or building websites I am having trouble getting it to work. I have managed to get this far (see screen shots). I can add "rating" and "subject".  Then I can write a review and check capture. But when I "submit" I get a blank box and it stays that way until I press cancel then "author name" and "author email" show. I fill them in and press "add" but nothing happens and nothing will happen until I press cancel. What Have I done wrong ?
https://signblasters.com  the review form is on every page. (If you need access to the back end let me know
Going back to my first post when I am familiar with this app and understand how to use it I will write instructions for someone who has very little experience as I find these instructions difficult for someone who doesn't know anything. I can see I will be asking a lot of questions in the coming weeks.  Once this is working I want to use part of the gallery as well.
Thanks for your help.
[attachment=331]screen shot 3 when add  is pressed nothing happens.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=332]screen shot 2 front end.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=330]screen shot 1A front end.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=333]screen shot 1 front end.jpg[/attachment]