hi JLex-Team,

The JLex-Comment is the best Joomla-Extension for Commenting since years. I hope it will be for the next thousand of years :)

In my opinion it is maybe the time to think about some technical improvements. Unfortunately the Script downgrade a lot the page scoring and page performance according to Google. In attachment the metrics for enabled and disabled component for the same article with comments.

In my opinion the the JLex-Script Javascript is really big, and I am sure there only a small piece of the code is required for rendering the comments on the page. Assume the most of the code is for editing, creating new comment, dealing with the form etc. This code should not be loaded and parsed by the browser every time when the page is loaded. 99,99% of the visitors read the coment, but only 0,01 % write them. There is for sure a big space for improvement.

I have tried a bit to make the JLex-Scripts async, which improved the scoring a lot, but there were problems with rendering the edit form so it is not a solution for now.

Would like to consider an analysis and improvements in this direction?

For now I have completellty removed the Awesome-Fonts, which are really bad, and for those couple of places where are used, replaced them with simple lightweight svg icons. 

many thanks in advance