Hey there,

I've noticed that the JLex Comment plugin has a couple of dynamic variables that change on every page reload: "key", and expectedly, "timestamp".

This means that when you use JCH Optimize to combine JS files, you run into this issue:

However, sometimes, on a particular page, some part of a file's url (most likely a query) keeps changing or some variable in an inline script keeps changing on each page load and so causes a different cache id to be generated in order to reflect these changes. To remedy the situation, we have to find the file/script that is changing and exclude it from the plugin.

What do you think should be done in this case? Is the only solution to exclude this script declaration from being combined by JCH?

Or do you think you can make some changes in your component so that those two dynamic variables are not output in the javascript code? Is there anything you can do to change something on your end, or is excluding the file from JCH the only option?

Thanks a lot!