attach files to the Catalan language for backend and frontend.
I made a customization at file:  \administrator\components\com_jlexblock\views\block\tmpl\create.php
line 19

<label class="_labelQuickMode"><input type="checkbox" id="_quickMode" value="1" /> Quick Mode | Toogle this method when you can't get data from above URL</label>


<label class="_labelQuickMode"><input type="checkbox" id="_quickMode" value="1" /><?php echo JText::_('JLEX_ALERT_QUICK_MODE') ?> </label>

and at file: ca-ES.com_jlexblock.ini (in admin)
I added: JLEX_ALERT_QUICK_MODE="Mode ràpid | Seleccionar aquest mètode per obtenir les dades des de l'URL indicada adalt"

and at file: en-GB.com_jlexblock.ini (in admin)
I added: JLEX_ALERT_QUICK_MODE="Quick Mode | Toogle this method when you can't get data from above URL"
