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Jlex Review image reviews grouping

Hello I am completing my website with Jlex Reviews and after setting up all there is I came up with an aesthetic challenge related to images users post.
When they are posted they are quite ugly to be frank. I mean displayed one bellow another and if user has posted more than 3 images it is an issue.
My suggestion is to add possibility to display images user post in some sort of carousel gallery as it would be nice and organised.
Check the image in attachment so you see on what I mean.

Thank you!

4 replies

I understand what you said but I think carousel gallery just when review contain many image, it seems not to be popular. :(. My solution in your case is use CSS to display images like bellow.
[attachment=443]Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at 3.23.17 PM.png[/attachment]
Download 93.25 K
Now when I look at it. I see your point admin.
In image tab of review images are nice and tidy as you said.
But in review itself they are not cropped the same.
Can you point me admin on what I need to do to make images look the same as in image tab of review.
Please see screenshots for clarification:
While in image tab of review they are cropped and aligned good and they look good.
Can you point me out admin, how to set them to be displayed the same as in image tab, or can this be feature request for some new version of Jlex Review?
Thank you very much for your kind support.
@JLexArt is wrote at 2019-02-27 08:24:19
Hello! I understand what you said but I think carousel gallery just when review contain many image, it seems not to be popular. :(. My solution in your case is use CSS to display images like bellow. [attachment=443]Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at 3.23.17 PM.png[/attachment]
Hi guy!
Try use CSS code bellow :)
#jreview-listing .jreview-images ._title {
   display: none!important;

#jreview-listing .jreview-images img {
   object-fit: cover;
   width: 64px;
   height: 64px;
   border-radius: 4px;
@Goran is wrote at 2019-02-27 09:54:31
Now when I look at it. I see your point admin. In image tab of review images are nice and tidy as you said. But in review itself they are not cropped the same. Can you point me admin on what I need to do to make images look the same as in image tab of review. Please see screenshots for clarification: https://prnt.sc/mqr66a While in image tab of review they are cropped and aligned good and they look good. https://prnt.sc/mqr78r Can you point me out admin, how to set them to be displayed the same as in image tab, or can this be feature request for some new version of Jlex Review? Thank you very much for your kind support.

"administrator" post=4369:Hi guy!
Try use CSS code bellow :)
#jreview-listing .jreview-images ._title {
   display: none!important;

#jreview-listing .jreview-images img {
   object-fit: cover;
   width: 64px;
   height: 64px;
   border-radius: 4px;

Admin, can I say I love you and not sound weird!
Thank you!
@JLexArt is wrote at 2019-02-28 02:00:36
Hi guy! Try use CSS code bellow :) [code]#jreview-listing .jreview-images ._title { display: none!important; } #jreview-listing .jreview-images img { object-fit: cover; width: 64px; height: 64px; border-radius: 4px; }[/code]
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