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Updates: Release JLex Lookup v1.4.1 🥳

Jlex Attachments

IIS Spagna-Campani
Hi, is it possible to sort attachment listing inside article?
Many thanks.


48 replies

Yes, sure

but if I create a "standard" article using "content" tab only, no custom fields, attachment is positioned on top of article, before title, see pictures. The default behaviour was to add attachment at the end of article, no need to write {attachment:all}, this is what I intended.
@JLexArt is wrote at 2023-08-05 01:19:06
Exactly! This is an exception when you don't use the main content of the article. You should use the {attachment:all} syntax when you use this plugin. Best regards, Victor Nguyen.
Currently, you still have to add the structure "{attachment:all}" to the end of the content field, which is a particular case. I'm still looking for a possible solution to this problem.

How do you show the field instead of the content on the post?

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-08-07 13:31:28
Yes, sure but if I create a "standard" article using "content" tab only, no custom fields, attachment is positioned on top of article, before title, see pictures. The default behaviour was to add attachment at the end of article, no need to write {attachment:all}, this is what I intended.
It's category dependent by the template. Some categories use article standard content as subtitle and custom field as content. Some others use joomla standard system

@JLexArt is wrote at 2023-08-09 14:55:28
Currently, you still have to add the structure "{attachment:all}" to the end of the content field, which is a particular case. I'm still looking for a possible solution to this problem. How do you show the field instead of the content on the post? Best regards, Victor Nguyen.
Hi Victor,
I really need to manage attachments in article editing in the frontend. My school principal is tickling me because he wants to edit articles ad attach documents but at this moment this is not possible. Please, can you enable attachments in frontend as soon is possible.
Many many thanks
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-08-04 19:24:13
Remember my question number 3) Enable attachments in article editing in the frontend ;) Just another thing: now, after your correction inside my site, if I don't insert {attachment:all} in any place into the article then the attachmnet is displayed in top of article, so if I need an attachment at the end of stadndard Article content then I must insert the plugin shortcode. Regards Danilo P.S. Remember to insert that correction into next release ;)
Hi Danilo,
I will try to add this feature this month.

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-09-08 19:13:17
Hi Victor, I really need to manage attachments in article editing in the frontend. My school principal is tickling me because he wants to edit articles ad attach documents but at this moment this is not possible. Please, can you enable attachments in frontend as soon is possible. Many many thanks Danilo
Many thanks, Victor, 
and if you can also the others fixes or features we discussed..... obviously as soon as you can :)
@JLexArt is wrote at 2023-09-09 14:02:04
Hi Danilo, I will try to add this feature this month. Best regards, Victor Nguyen.
Hi Victor,
any news about other fixes and features?
Best regards

@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-09-13 13:20:37
Many thanks, Victor,  and if you can also the others fixes or features we discussed..... obviously as soon as you can :) Danilo
Hi, I added this feature (front-end editing) in the new version. Please check its change logs: https://www.jlexart.com/changelog/jlex-attachments

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@IIS Spagna-Campani is wrote at 2023-11-07 16:44:34
Hi Victor, any news about other fixes and features? Best regards Danilo
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