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using shortcode in an override

Mark Schultz
How do I embed the shortcode {attachment:all} in an article override? I want to have the attachements appear in the same location automatically without having to add the short code manually.

I tried this but doesn't work? Do you know how to do it? thanks.

echo JHtml::_('content.prepare','{attachment:all}');

3 replies

Mark Schultz
Thanks for the reply.

Sorry, I don't follow the javascript suggestion. What is the "attachment element"?
@JLexArt is wrote at 2024-09-20 02:48:47
Hello, It cannot be done via "content.prepare". "JLex Attachment" is a content plugin, it will detect based on the content of the article, not the content of the page. In your case, you should use Javascript to move the attachment element to the desired position. Hope can help you! Best regards, Victor Nguyen.
It cannot be done via "content.prepare". "JLex Attachment" is a content plugin, it will detect based on the content of the article, not the content of the page.
In your case, you should use Javascript to move the attachment element to the desired position.

Hope can help you!

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
Hello Mark,
It's an element that contains the attachment. Please see the image I attached.

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
@Mark Schultz is wrote at 2024-09-20 17:23:23
Thanks for the reply. Sorry, I don't follow the javascript suggestion. What is the "attachment element"?
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