I installed JLex Helpful v1.0.1 on Joomla and have a polling issue.  I have created 2 polls (section_id="1" & section_id="2" ) and only the first poll data is recorded.  If I insert the first poll into an article ( {{jlexhelpful name="Poll 1" key="jlexhelpful_10501" section_id="1" }} ), the data records correctly and appears in the Dashboard in the admin section.  However, if I insert the second poll into an article ( {{jlexhelpful name="Poll 2" key="jlexhelpful_10501" section_id="2" }} ), the data pulls in the first poll, not the second, and does not show in the Dashboard in the admin section (see attachment).

I can modify the table params in the ##_jlexhelpful_sections to read a different  index other than 0 (changed values are bold below) and it will pull in Poll 2 and record the data.  

[{"index":10,"label":"No, I do not want to donate blood.","type":"button","url":"","msg":"<h3 style=\"color: #396AA7;font-size: 20px;text-align:center;\">Thank you.</h3>","callback":0,"cb_title":"","options":[],"showresult":1},{"index":11,"label":"Yes, I would like to donate blood.","type":"button","url":"","msg":"<h3 style=\"color: #396AA7;font-size: 20px;text-align:center;\">Thank you for Donating!</h3>","callback":1,"cb_title":"Enter your contact info","options":[{"value":1,"label":"Name","text":1,"request":1,"heading":"Please enter your name"},{"value":2,"label":"Phone","text":1,"request":1,"heading":"Please enter your number"}],"showresult":1}]

When I do this, the Poll 1 or Poll 2 will not show in the Dashboard in the admin section.  Is this a bug or is there a premium version I must buy to have multiple polls?